The Life Education trailer is here this week. We have been learning about parts of the body. We learnt a lot and remembered bits from the last visit. Thanks Debbie.
For the final Bible in Schools session this year the whole school were invited to participate in the Christmas story. Thanks very much to the teachers who come and share throughout the year.
We have been so lucky to have Mrs Williams spending time with us and teaching us more about the Japanese culture and language. On her last day with us we learnt how to make sushi. It is very easy and tastes delicious.
Our gardens have produced an abundance of vegetables. We have feasted on snow peas and we have carrots, beans and beetroot almost ready to pick. Mrs Morrow's green fingers and enthusiasm have have all the difference to our rather sad winter gardens. The cauli's were spectacular.
Action speaks louder than words. We experienced action today when we had Rhythm Interaction visit. We had an hour of listening, miming, drumming and enjoyment.