Thursday, March 31, 2011

Tawharanui Trip

On Wednesday the 16th of March we went to Tawharanui bird sanctuary. We had a walk a swim and the park ranger talked to us about some of the pests that are killing birds. He told us we should all help to stop these pests from killing our native birds and then he showed us some dead pests there was a Hedgehog, a Stoat, a Cat, a Rabbit, a Rat, a Ferret and a Weasel. He also showed us some traps he tested one of the traps by putting the Rat in it. Our walk took two hours but it was quite fun and we really enjoyed the swim.

Art with Mrs McCracken

On the 30th of March Mrs McCracken came and taught us about Picasso.
We made some of his art and she thought it was all lovely. First she said to draw a wonky oval. Then we add efects like a half face and eyes and a mouth. This is some of the amazing art we did. It was really fun.


Room 5 have a awesome Japanese teacher and that is MRS WILLIAMS. We do Japanese every Thursday.(Fact:Thursday in Japanese is Mokuyoobi)This is a story on how we learnt it and it was really fun. First we started off with Ohayoo gosaimasu which is good morning. Then we learnt Konnichi wa which is good afternoon. After thatwe learnt that Konban wa means good evening. (fact:onamae wa na desu ka means what is your name)
When you reply to onamea wa nan desu ka if you are a girl you would say watashi wa Samantha desu and if you are a boy you wuold say boku wa Rafe desu (by the way the way of pronucing desu is des) After a while we learnt our numbers. We learnt up to twelve.We have leant way more. We think Japanese is fun and someday we want to go to Japan and learn more about the Japanese people. By Samantha and Abbey
Jamata (means good bye)

Monday, March 21, 2011

sanitarium weet bix tryathlon

For some very keen Tomarata school students, Sunday 20th March was a very busy day. The Sanitarium Weetbix Triathlon has been a very popular sporting event for over 10 years and still going strong, testing the abilities of kiwi kids all over new Zealand. Around 2,200 children aged 7-15 competed in the event, with official photographers there for every shot, and the famous weetbix guy supporting the runners as they neared the finish chute. Celebrities such as Hamish Carter, Jo Lawn and Maddy Dillon cheered on the enthusiastic triathletes. Competitors stepped up to the challenge as they swum 200m, biked and ran 1.5km. Some confident teens have been doing the tryathlon ever since they were seven! Overall this was a great memory for everyone who competed, and we will hopefully see more smiling faces next year.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Red and black, Canterbury colours!

Last Thursday we had a red and black day for the Canterbury earthquake. We all wore red and black and we raised more than 500 dollars. We really hope that it will help in Canterbury with the rebuilding of the buildings.

Thursday, March 3, 2011


On the third of March Tomarata school had a red and black day and paid a gold coin donation. All the money raised will go to the poor people in Christchurch. Nearly every one dressed in red and black to support people in Christchurch and we even had the teachers dressing up in red and black as well. Tomarata is a very generous school and some people have even put in more than a gold coin donation cause we have a generous school. The kids in Rooms 1,2,3,4 were very cool but the coolest classes were Rooms 5&6. The best part was dressing up and supporting the people in Christchurch.This day was the best day ever.
Every one is very colourful and I think you should all be a winner!
By Abbey.